Calibration with Gamma Cs-137
Instrument Range:
Air kerma rate, Ka : 2.33μSv/h – 4.79mSv/h
Ambient Dose Equivalent rate, H*(10) : 2.80μSv/h – 5.75mSv/h
Personal Dose Equivalent rate, Hp(10) : 0.5mSv
Reference from SAFETY REPORT SERIES No. 16 Calibration of radiation protection monitoring instruments, IAEA (2000), International Organization of Standard (ISO) 4037 –1 (1996) and ISO 4037 –3 (1999)
Calibration with Xray (60kV until 300kV)
Instrument Range:
Air kerma rate, Ka : 7.01μSv/h – 15.78mSv/h
Ambient Dose Equivalent rate, H*(10) : 11.99μSv/h – 27.14mSv/h
Personal Dose Equivalent rate, Hp(10) : 0.5mSv
Reference from SAFETY REPORT SERIES No. 16 Calibration of radiation protection monitoring instruments, IAEA (2000), International Organization of Standard (ISO) 4037 –1 (1996) and ISO 4037 –3 (1999)
Calibration with Surface Contamination for Alpha (Pu-238) and Beta (Sr-90)
Instrument Range:
Alpha (Pu-238) : 894 Bq/100cm²
Beta (Sr-90) : 900 Bq/100cm²
Reference from SAFETY REPORT SERIES No. 16 Calibration of radiation protection monitoring instruments, IAEA (2000), Good Practice Guide No.14 The examination, Testing and Calibration of Portable Radiation Protection Instrument, NPL (2014)